I've a poem in the Typo. Thank you Adam and Matt. You can also find this poem in The Black Eye.
Here is the funniest video from 1987
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Posted by
Brian Foley
3:17 PM
Thursday, July 1, 2010
It is time to tell you i have four blows in the new Softblow. They're from a manuscript called I WASH MY FACE IN THE SOUND OF WATER RUNNING.
Long month. My brother got married. I spent time in RI with this fine leafmouth. Some time at home with friends. My mom had an art show. Patrick played his first show in a long time. I read in NYC with John Murillo. And though I lived there for 7 years, I read in Boston for the first time with Emily & Josh, thanks to Jessica Bozek.Eat. Slept. Saw Danzig & the Celtics lose big.
Here is something i relate to. Its about returning to something you once knew. Young Brian was an underexplored metalhead. I learned to play guitar by memorizing Ride The Lightning.Then I discovered indie rock & punk when things were just getting good and I seriously think it ruined me. Young Brian died for a while. But now he's back and this is what he's been June listening to.
Megadeth - Peace Sells...But Who's Buying
Nachtmystium - Addicts: Black Meddle 2
Leviathan - Massive Consparicy Against All Mankind
Von - Satanic Blood Angel
Trouble - Psalm 9
Judas Priest - Screaming for Vengence
Danzig - Deth Red Sabaoth
Whiplash- Ticket to Mayhem
Cave in - Until Your Heart Stops
Suicidal Tendencies - s/t
Metallica - Kill Em All
Dismember -...Like An Evflowing Stream
Darkthrone - F.O.A.D
Have you checked out the Eclipse. A great collection of L-A-N-G-U-A-G-E po online. Clark Coolidge, Lyn Hejinian, Bernadette Mayer, Bruce Andrews. All great stuff from unaffordable paraphernalia.
There is even Rae Armantrout's first book, Extremities.
Posted by
Brian Foley
2:17 PM