The new issue of Saltgrass is out. Poems by Cynthia Arrieu-King, Anselm Berrigan, Justin Carrol, Tina Brown Celona, J’Lyn Chapman, Cathy Linh Che, Sandra Doller, John Gallaher, Anne Cecelia Holmes, Lily Ladewig, Heather Monley, GC Waldrep.
I have two poems in the issue. See one of them, here.
Also, I'm pleased to let you know that I will be the new co-editor of Saltgrass with Julia Cohen.
We have an open reading month this June. Right now. We hope you submit your weirdest shit.

Also today, Horseless Review #9 is out. Horse Less Review #9 includes writing by Brian Foley, Chris Hosea, Catherine Meng, Rhiannon Dickerson, Anne Shaw, Carrie Olivia Adams, Kerry Webster, Tony Mancus, TaraShea Nesbit, Adam Reich, Kevin McLellan, Mark DeCarteret, Travis Cebula, Elizabeth Robinson, Megan Burns, Thomas Trudgeon, Erik Anderson, Jennifer H. Fortin and Nate Pritts, Brooklyn Copeland, Maria Getto, Linda Dove, Carrie Bennett, Michael Flatt, James Yeary, Nicole Wilson, and Shawn Huelle. Cover art by Michael Sikkema.
I have four poems up around in there. Thanks Jen & Jen! Check out the issue here.
When I said I live here I actually meant I live here -